
2023-2024 Board of Directors:

Bruce Haines - League President
Robert Clopper - League Vice-President
Amanda Runkles - Treasurer
Amy Staley - Secretary
Sarah Myers - Player Agent (Baseball / Softball)

April Haines  - Concessions Manager
Ciara Shade - Concessions Co-Manager
Curtis Staley - Safety Officer
Amanda Bowman - Information Officer / Challenger League Co-VP
Brad Runkles - Facilities / Maintenance
Kevin Kaplan - Coaching Coordinator
MD Spurgeon - Facilities / Fundraising

Ben Shade - Director of Baseball / Umpire in Chief
Matthew Clopper - Equipment Manager
Alan Hunter - VP "A" Coach Pitch Baseball / Equipment Manager
Dani Hunter - Co-VP of "A" Coach Pitch Baseball
Scott Kensinger - VP of "AA" Baseball
Greg Shaffer - VP "AAA" Baseball 
Curtis Bass - VP Major Baseball / Fundraising Coordinator
Scotty Bowman - VP of Junior/Senior Baseball

Billy Brantner 
- Director of Softball / Umpire in Chief
Robert Shamburg  - VP Minor Coach Pitch Softball 
Amanda Best - VP Minor Player Pitch Softball 
Justin Gay - VP Major Softball 
Dave Bowers  - VP of Junior/Senior Softball 
Jessica Brantner - VP Challenger League

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