Coaches Corner

Hedgesville Little League(HLL) is committed to the enrichment, in both life and sport, for all its players and volunteers. The development of our athletes is a primary objective. It is understood that Coaches play a critical role in this objective. While there are numerous ways to provide instruction as a coach, HLL is looking to develop a uniform strategy in regard to player development. This strategy hopes to provide coaches with age appropriate skills, an understanding of the strategies and rules of baseball/softball, as well as the resources to support these efforts.

Baseball's Glossary and Terms by Jordan!

We received an email from Michele, a volunteer at her local library who works with the children's program. They were doing projects on favorite sports and one of the children, Jordan, decided to do his on baseball! He was searching online and found our Hedgesville Little League website! They reached out to tell us thanks for the information listed here but also shared this information with us that Jordan did for his project. He thought it would be a great addition for our Umpire and Coaches Corner section of the website and we agree!!

Please click here to see his project - Baseball Glossary and Terms

Abuse Awareness Training


  • Abuse Awareness Training for adults is now mandatory for all Little League volunteers who are required to complete a Little League Volunteer Application and Background Check. This course, which serves as a replacement for the programs previously available through third-party organizations like USA Baseball, is customized to the Little League program and provides an easier learning experience for our volunteers. Required to be completed by all volunteers each year, this course is available as part of the training and education courses at , making signing up for the course even easier for our volunteers. 

Once you have completed this training, please email a copy of your certificate to [email protected] .

Email [email protected] for any questions!

Diamond Leader Training

Focused on ensuring children have a positive, well-rounded experience on and off the field, the Little League® Diamond Leader Training Program is a FREE educational resource that provides coaches with an understanding of the impact that mental, social, and emotional well-being has in youth sports through detailed information, interactive scenarios, and a variety of additional resources.

Through this course, which navigates Little League volunteers through real-life scenarios that are being faced in local leagues all around the world each year, coaches will have a better understanding of the impact they have on their players, both on and off the field.

Hedgesville Little League requires all managers and coaches to complete the Diamond Leader Training Program. Please use the link below to complete this certification.

Diamond Leader Certification

Coaching Plans

Little League® offers a program for Tee Ball players (ages 4-6) that is specifically designed to provide a foundation and introduction to baseball and softball that is grounded in fun, fitness, and fundamentals.

The Little League Tee Ball program is a 10-week plan that features structured learning, highlighted by one practice and one game per week. Over the course of the season, coaches and parents will engage in a series of lessons utilizing up to 40 activities that include skills, drills and plenty of physical activity.

A great resource for a first-time or veteran coach, Little League’s Tee Ball program includes:

  • Detailed practice plans for each week of the 10-week program
  • Quick practice plans for each week of the 10-week program
  • Activity Guides explaining each drill in detail
  • Positive Coaching Alliance (PCA) Tips for each week of the program
  • SKLZ FUN-damentals videos focusing on teaching basic Tee Ball skills
Download File Size - 15MB

Tee Ball Program.pdf

The Little League® Coach Pitch Program was created to provide volunteer managers and coaches in the Little League Minor Baseball Division with the appropriate direction to organize and efficiently operate practices throughout the season.

This 12-week program focuses on the fundamentals of baseball, and is designed to build a solid foundation for becoming a successful ballplayer, including the “emotional fuel tank,” as described by Positive Coaching Alliance (PCA). The program assumes that the volunteers who have accepted the responsibility of coaching children in this age group have a limited background in baseball and the leadership and teaching acumen that is inherent with coaching Little Leaguers® at this level of the program.

Each week’s lesson offers extensive review, while continuing to tout the importance of team-building and chemistry. Coaches can use the opportunities provided in this program to engage with the children on your team and grow their self-worth. It’s important for coaches to remember that Little League is a fun activity that has as its prime objective nurturing and growing well-rounded and productive people, not developing elite ballplayers.

A great resource for a first-time or veteran coach, Little League’s Coach Pitch program includes:

  • Detailed practice plans for each week of the 12-week program
  • Quick practice plans for each week of the 12-week program
  • Detailed diagrams explaining each drill and activity
  • Positive Coaching Alliance (PCA) Tips for each week of the program
Download File Size - 9MB

Coach Pitch Program.pdf

The Diamond Skills and practice plan guide has been created by HLL's Coaching Coordinator with support form divisional VP's to design practice plans and skills for all ages. These plans can be tailored by each manager/coach, but give a good starting point on developing a plan for practice and teaching proper skills for each level of competition. 

Diamond Skills and Practice Plan 

Little League University

Little League® Baseball and Softball has launched the online destination of its new training and education platform, Little League University. 

Little League University

Little League University is designed to transform the way volunteers, league and district administrators, coaches, and parents experience learning about the Little League program.

Click the link and choose your category to see what your missing!

Training and Coaching Resources

Heads Up Online Training Course

Get prepared for the new season in less than 30 minutes

Heads Up: Concussion in Youth Sports is a free, online course available to coaches, parents, and others helping to keep athletes safe from concussion. It features interviews with leading experts, dynamic graphics and interactive exercises, and compelling storytelling to help you recognize a concussion and know how to respond if you think that your athlete might have a concussion. Once you complete the training and quiz, you can print out a certificate, making it easy to show your league or school you are ready for the season.

What You Will Learn

  • Understand a concussion and the potential consequences of this injury,
  • Recognize concussion signs and symptoms and how to respond,
  • Learn about steps for returning to activity (play and school) after a concussion, and
  • Focus on prevention and preparedness to help keep athletes safe season-to-season.

The Dugout Captain Blog provides Managers and Coaches with a wealth of information concerning drills, skill training, fundamentals, practice plans, and more.

Articles and video clips are provided to assist the Manager in developing a robust, effective, and fun practice!

Dugout Captain Blog